
Las 5 ciudades más amigables para ciclistas en California

Thanks to the increase in recent years in the use of bicycles to transport to daily activities, as well as for fun and exercise, some California cities have decided to improve their infrastructure so that cyclists can ride the streets without so many risks. . This has also meant an improvement in the culture of […]

Evite hacer esto al hacer un reclamo de lesiones personales

When you have an accident of any kind that causes personal injury, in which someone else was at fault, you will have the right to receive compensation for those damages caused by the negligent actions of the person who caused the accident. You can legally claim this compensation if the insurer or the guilty party […]

Pérdidas derivadas de un accidente

Accidents you have been involved in that have caused personal injury definitely leave more than a bad memory. Many times, there are complicated situations resulting from these accidents, especially if your injuries make it impossible for you to resolve medical and legal matters. Additionally, these situations can represent great changes or adjustments in our lives […]

Tengo parte de la responsabilidad del accidente. ¿Qué debo hacer?

Being involved in an accident where only one party was at fault is much easier to resolve. This is because it can be quickly determined who should pay compensation. However, when both parties are somewhat at fault, the situation becomes more complicated and confusing, as questions can arise, such as who will pay compensation for […]

Estatuto de limitaciones en California

La mayoría de tipos de demandas en California tienen un tiempo límite establecido para poder ser presentadas. Esto es con el propósito de que se resuelva el caso de una manera más directa y puntual, ya que esto también ayuda a que la evidencia sea más fácil de encontrar y recolectar.