
Accidentes comunes en épocas navideñas

As the Christmas season arrives, so does the excitement of the holidays, posadas, Christmas decorations and gift shopping for our loved ones. Unfortunately with this also come the risks of suffering accidents in any of these places. We share with you the most common types of accidents these times, as well as in winter so […]

¿Quién pagará si se accidenta en la calle?

Suffering an accident while driving the streets of California can cause injuries depending on the severity of the accident and the type of accident involved. The injuries you suffer may mean that you will have to go to the hospital, doctors, buy medicine, and also that you will not be able to work for at […]

Carreteras peligrosas en California

Dangerous roads can be found anywhere in the country and even the world, but in some states like California, it can become specifically more difficult to navigate these streets, highways or state roads due to the large flow of vehicles that travel them daily and that the state and activities require it. Some of the […]

Salarios perdidos a causa de un accidente

After suffering an accident it is common for some people who have suffered injuries to be unable to work or continue their activities while the recovery time passes. This is likely to result in them not receiving the wages they are likely to be receiving on a regular basis while disabled. We know that this […]

¿Cómo el alcohol afecta la capacidad para conducir?

Alcohol and some drugs are one of the leading causes of fatal human-caused car accidents worldwide. Drinking alcohol can significantly affect your ability to drive, no matter how little you’ve had to drink. The ways in which alcohol affects can include: Your ability to make good judgment about situations as it might be in this […]

¿Qué hacer si fui atacado por un perro?

Due to the large number of dogs in Los Angeles, it is important that citizens know their rights and what to do in the event of an attack by one of these animals. Although they are our companions and pets, these sweet creatures can sometimes exhibit aggressive behavior, so taking precautions and knowing this information […]

Demandar a la ciudad

Suing someone for having suffered a personal injury at your fault is the right of all California citizens, however, when it comes to the government there are certain rules that must be followed in order to sue the state and receive compensation from your part. Our first advice is that after having suffered a personal […]

Lesiones permanentes

Car accidents can vary in severity depending on several factors. However, being involved in one that has caused you permanent injuries no matter how bad the crash was, both your physical and emotional health can be seriously affected. Permanent injuries often cause problems and financial losses that you did not expect. Suffering from serious injuries […]

Mitos acerca de reclamos de lesiones personales

After suffering a personal injury accident that has left you with various physical and emotional personal and property damages, you will naturally want to pursue a claim for such damages if the person at fault refuses to pay your compensation. And while these cases are often easy to handle legally speaking, there may be a […]

Responsabilidad de conductores de viajes compartidos

Car trips from ride-sharing companies such as Uber or Lyft have increased thanks to the ease they offer both for drivers who are considered independent workers and for users who can request the service they want through applications on their cell phones. and have a car with a driver available to them in just a […]