What to do if I was attacked by a dog?
September 16, 2022

What to do if I was attacked by a dog?


Due to the large number of dogs in Los Angeles, it is important that citizens know their rights and what to do in the event of an attack by one of these animals. Although they are our companions and pets, these sweet creatures can sometimes exhibit aggressive behavior, so taking precautions and knowing this information can help recover compensation for the damages caused by a dog attack.

If while walking through the streets, being in a public place or at the home of an acquaintance/person who has invited you to pass by, you are attacked by your dog, you can start a lawsuit against its legal owner. However, before we get into legal issues, it is important to list some steps that you should take right after being attacked:

  1. Wash and disinfect the wound immediately.
  2. Ask the owner for his data and breed of the dog, as well as his vaccination record.
  3. Call the police so that the report can also serve as evidence in your legal case.
  4. Seek medical attention as soon as possible.

In the state of California, there is strict liability law in dog attack cases so in almost all cases, you will be successful in receiving compensation for injuries caused by the animal as this law almost immediately holds any owner liable from an aggressive dog to liability for the victim’s damages unless the attack occurred while you trespassed on private property.

To have a successful case, remember that it is also important to collect all the evidence you can such as photographs of your injuries and the animal that attacked you, contact information of the owner, police and medical reports, prescriptions, hospital bills, among others. With the help of a personal injury attorney and the necessary evidence, you will be able to receive the compensation you deserve.

Remember that regardless of the severity of the bite, if you have been attacked by a dog, you may already have a personal injury case to pursue, even if the dog only damaged your clothing and did not break through the skin. At Herrera Law we can support you during the legal process and in the fight so that you receive what is really fair.